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Darren Baker

Food Does Not Make People Fat – Overeating Makes People Fat

In a study the difference between high sugar and low sugar diets was analysed and the result showed that sugar content does not matter – calories did.In another study meal frequencies were analysed and the result showed that frequency did not matter – calories did.And in another study high and low carbohydrate diets were analysed and it was proven that the carbohydrate content did not matter – calories did.Another study analysed various macronutrient compositions in meals and the composition did not matter – calories did.And one last study looked at the different ways to achieve a low calorie outcome; one method was adopting a calorie deficit diet, so less calories were being taken in and the other method was burning excess calories through increased activity. And guess what, the method of achieving a low calorie outcome did not matter – the calorie deficit did.All the above studies are legitimate Pub-Med studies with controlled variables and reliable data.The First Law of Thermodynamics (the law of the conservation of energy) states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. All energy is accounted for somewhere. Basically this has been so heavily studied and analysed so many times in various scientific scenarios that it is declared LAW – an absolute undeniable truth.You may remember that Professor Mark Haub proved this fact simplistically by losing 27 lbs on basically a “junk food diet” by still keeping in a calorie deficit.

If you consistently feed your body less energy than it burns you will lower your body fat. If you do the opposite and consistently eat more, you will gain weight.

Losing body fat does not mean you have to eat certain types of food or avoid certain types of food it just means you have to regularly eat less food (energy) than your body burns.So without question if we burn more energy (activity) than we consume (food) we lower our body fat. That is fact.

But the energy burned is a moving target and extremely difficult to calculate accurately.

We may have to adapt and adjust but the starting point is as follows:-

Calculate your BMR

Calculate your TDEE

Reduce your calories by 20%

Adapt and adjust when fat loss stalls

How to calculate the above can be found on previous posts.

Be Happy, Be Healthy, Enjoy Life


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